Road Building in British Columbia

We’re proud to say that there are very few highways in British Columbia that haven’t seen teams from Emil Anderson work on them in some capacity over the years. EAC has built some of the most vital infrastructure in the province, from large sections of Highway 5 – Coquihalla, to the Western portion of the Hope-Princeton highway, and many more roadways that connect our communities and support our province’s transportation network.

Each roadbuilding project is meticulously planned and executed by our team of engineering experts, with an eye toward innovation, safety and long-term durability. Our legacy road projects stand as monuments to our team’s dedication, including iconic roadways such as the new Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4   and the Illecillewaet Four-Laning and Brake Check project.

The EAC team frequently takes on highway re-build projects as well, building back infrastructure stronger and more resilient than before, a recent example including the Highway 5 – Coquihalla Flood repair project.